Monday, December 14, 2015

Feel-Good Country

One of the most debatable genres of music is country music. Although many despise this genre, country music plays a major role in my life and is by far one of the best genres to exist. Every song has a unique tone that can accommodate your every mood. Country music varies from feel good days to happy days to sad days, just like life. 

One of the main focuses to love country music is that there is a song for every mood you are feeling. When I'm feeling happy and ready to jam-out I instinctively turn on "How Country Feels" by Randy Houser. The beat that this song provides can make anyone want to jump around and sing right along! Even on sad days, I know I can count on Clay Walker's "She Won't Be Lonely Long." When listening to country music, I feel that a part of me is complete in which I am never alone and I always have someone to dance, and even cry, along with. Country music makes it easy to know that I'm not alone and that someone out there feels the same way I do. 

Country music is often left out or forgotten due to the modernization of new music. However, country music is like no other genre in which it possess the simple aspects that every song should carry. Country music has the ability to remind us all of the good old-fashioned times where simplicity was the prime. Country music has given me the ability to unwind and live a carefree lifestyle. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! Country music is so under appreciated, because "no one has the time to actually listen to the lyrics." Most pop music today is fast beat and has a the same repetitive verses, so its easy to pay attention to the lyrics of a pop song, because all you have to do is listen to the chorus once or twice and you have basically heard the whole song. Country music, however, is all about song writing so there is more than just a repetitive chorus. There is normally a story line that is based off of an actual event or feeling found in the real world. People just don't want that deep connection with a song, they want an escape or a quick feeling poke. Most of the people who dislike country music haven't actually even listened to it, because they don't want to be seen as "uncool." There is a negative connotation for country music. People need to give it a chances before shutting it down.I do have to admit though that some country artists give country music a bad name, because they can't actually sing, but can make a pretty great song.
